SummerFest is a celebration of Archbishop's Park. The park has been transformed over the last ten years thanks to the hard work of Lambeth Parks and the Friends of Archbishop's Park.
Try out boot camp exercises and football skills with Charlton Athletic FC, mosaic making with Southbank Mosaics, pot a plant with Roots and Shoots and bounce on a castle, play African drums and kids disco with Blackfriars Settlement, make a smoothie with Peabody; plus youth football tournament, cricket, tug of war, guided heritage tours of the park and plants for sale.
This community celebration is funded by the Capital Community Foundation and powered by volunteers from WaCoCo, SE1 United, Friends of Archbishop’s Park and SLAM NHS vocational services.
Contact Abigail Tripp WaCoCo 07588 50 26 15 or
Archbishop's Park
Carlisle Lane, SE1 7LG
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